Our staff and vehicles carry a specialist range of life-saving, safety and rescue equipment enabling us to efficiently deal with a diverse range of environments; trauma and medical problems.
A small sample of the medical equipment that our staff and vehicles are equipped with; dedicated stretchers, vacuum mattresses, splints, oxygen, Entonox, defibrillators.
Our medical team is made up of a range of differently skilled personnel, ranging from doctors, practice nurses, physiotherapists, EMTs, and paramedics.
All are highly accomplished within their field of expertise, coming together to form an excellent team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated crew.
If you are require more information regarding our staff or you are interested in joining the team please email Paul Roe with details of your qualifications and relevant experience - paulroe@rescuemedics.co.uk
We operate a variety of transport for the different terrains and environments that we operate in. It also offers us the valuable security of back-up for any eventuality, and for provision of cover for larger events and more diverse environments and terrain.
All fully equipped with medical, safety and rescue equipment.
Emergency blue lights, supplementary lighting and sirens fitted to all vehicles for ease of passage through pedestrian and road traffic.
Our 4x4 All Terrain Ambulances are fully accessible for all types of terrain: from remote environments, mountainous landscapes, rugged ground to inaccessible wilderness and can operate in stormy and inclement weather conditions.
Rescue Medics (UK) Ltd.
Karinya, Upper Inverroy,
Roybridge, Fort William,
PH31 4AQ
Registered In Scotland
Company Number: SC468555
All Rights Reserved
Rescue Medics (UK) Ltd
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